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Daniel K

I haven’t read the book, but based on the review, it seems interesting. I like that the focus avoids narrow and abstract ideological labels and addresses the real life of the target group as they live it, and encourages them to view their own lives as an holistic entity rather than compartmentalised and therefore unsatisfactorily integrated in some areas.

joel i rich

You will not find here comparative analyses of the various approaches: “Torah Only” versus “Torah im Derech Eretz” versus “Torah Umadda.” This enhances the book because those arcane discussions have always been more the province of scholars in their ivory towers than that of actual wage earners out in the workforce. Rabbi Lopiansky instead sets out a model elegant in its simplicity: The time spent in yeshivah is a period in which a young man takes on the role of Shevet Levi—“a stratum of undiluted and uncompromised spirituality with a minimum of interaction with the material world.” These years are “the… Read more »

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