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Casper van Cleeveld

Very impressed with the chesed and dedication. Shalom!

Sheila Bethel

I am thankful for the Jewish People all they
have gone through. May God continue to Bless
and keep them strong! Shalom!

Philip Zukowsky

Grandchildren sometimes see their grandparents through rose colored glasses. Every word written about Rabbi Winchester by his grandson though is true. He was a Lamed Vavnik.

Victoria Horowitz

Thank you for teaching me about the history of this terrible massacre. I was married on the roof of the Hevron Yeshivah, which was then under the administration of Dvar Yerushalayim, in chodesh Av, 1976.

Sarah H

There are similarities to oct 7.
Both cases they thought of the arabs as their friends until they were massacured.
Both cases whole families murdered in their homes.

Main difference was inthe massacre in hebron it was yeshiva students with no IDF to try to save them.

Oct 7 there was no rescue for hrs or even days.
There were IDF soldiers who stood outside one of the kibbutzim for hrs as people were murdered and kidnapped by 300 arabs

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