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Shira Roth

I work at a Jewish Women’s College. I have noticed that the number of students opting to be education majors has been declining. Perhaps the ideas addressed in the article can help.

Dr. Chaim Botwinick

Terrific article and overview of the current personnel crisis in our schools. Needed however is a deep dive into creative and innovative solutions… supported by an increased financial commitment on the part of the organised Jewish community.

Just a thought – Isn’t there a market for kids whose parents can’t afford or don’t want a full-time Jewish studies program, but would like the idea of a summer program of Jewish studies? This added income for teachers might be what is needed to attract some teachers, if ten-months-only is a problem. It could be in the form of a day camp, or even sleep-away, but with a full inspired load of Jewish studies. I went to summer school when I was in sixth grade, in a different context, and it worked out well for everyone.

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