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Marcia Zaccaria

I was motivated to read this article because of the reference in the Netflix series, Shtisel episode 7 where dancing with a broom is mentioned by the father of Akiva. He says he’ll dance with a broom at his wedding.
I found this article fun and most interesting.

Abigial Gurievsky

I am impressed with your research and enjoyed reading the article. I was asked to present the history of the Mezinke at a wedding. In my simple research I discovered that the word mezinka in Ukrainian means “the pinky finger”, therefore – the last one. It was only performed for daughters, as politically incorrect as that may be. Nevertheless a traditional necessity of the times. Today the tune is used as a childrens’ birthday song with words in Hebrew by Chaim Nachman Bialik.

Eluzer Kowalsky

It is mentioned as a Jewish custom in Jerusalem by Rabbi Yitzhak Silberstein in his sefer “Aleinu L’Shabayach” on Vayikra in Parashas Tzav on the verse found in Chapter 7 verse 12. It is based on a verse in Isaiah where Hashem curses the Jewish nation that he will sweep them away, meaning, a destruction of their offspring. It is done as a sign of thanks that with the marriage of their last child (not necessarily a daughter) the parents thank Hashem for not applying this curse to them.

Empty Nester

Whatever the source, it seems harmless. I remember the band striking up the tune at our youngest child’s wedding, and someone — maybe the caterer — provided the brooms.
When all the kiddies have grown up and moved out, it leaves the house empty, a vacuum which is greatly in need of being cleaned. So perhaps the dance should be done with vacuum cleaners as technology has marched on.

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