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Y. M. S.

Why isn’t this a get me’usa? Even if he agreed to the pre-nup, but now at the time of the get he is forced against his will?
This is above your pay-grade rabbi. You are playing with krisus and mamzeirus.

G.D. Green

You forgot to mention Rabbi Emanuel Rackman A’H and Honey Rackman A’H, the founders of “G.E.T. (Getting Equal Treatment), who through their tireless efforts, impressed on ALL Rabbis, the importance of religious pre-nups.

JA Mag

Although the halachic issues of get meusah are significant ,the RCA prenup has been approved by numerous esteemed poskim such as R. Mordechai Willig (the drafter),R. Hershel Scachter,and R. Zalman Nechemia Goldberg zecher tzadik livracha .They have concluded that the agreement does NOT constitute illicit coercion .Jewish Action is not the forum to address technical halachic issues in detail and each person must consult wit their own halachic authority.” 

JA Mag

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rackman deserve much credit for bringing the issue of agunot to the attention of the Jewish community at a time when many people were simply ignoring it .Some of his solutions ,however such as annulments based on bad behavior ,,were not accepted by the mainstream halachic community .

JA Mag

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rackman deserve much credit for bringing the issue of agunot to the attention of the Jewish community at a time when many people were simply ignoring it .Some of his solutions ,however such as annulments based on bad behavior ,,were not accepted by the mainstream halachic community ..As noted above ,Jewish Action is not the forum to address technical halachic issues in detail and each person must consult wit their own halachic authority.” 

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