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Moshe Borowski

very informative + inspiring article. thank you! wondering though: (6c) “Ba’al teshuvah yeshivot in the US are very popular.” You mention 2 yeshiva programs for men in particular: Chabad’s Morristown and Olami’s Shaar program (housed at Sh’or Yoshuv in Far Rockaway, NY). Have you found other full-time yeshivot across the US? Are there now, and have there ever been, “large numbers” (subjective question) of men learning full-time in baal teshuva yeshivot? Is there a way to please list those full-time yeshivot and how they can be reached? MUCH thanks in advance!


Yeshiva Toras Dovid in Monsey is the only Baal Teshuva yeshiva in America currently. It took over after Ohr Somayach Monsey shut down in 2019. They have about 50 bachurim and 20 kollel members, great place!


Sorry, meaning except for Morris Town, its the only other yeshiva. Sh’or Yoshuv has a program for BTs but its not that the whole yeshiva is designed for it. There is also Ohr Yisrael in Monsey as well, but its for Israelis, not American bachurim.

Shaina Leah

Alive and well? Where is it? Certainly not in Boston. Certainly not for women, especially single women above a certain (fairly young) age. Why are baalei teshuva from such large portions of the Jewish people being shut out? Not all Jews live in NY either. Why are there no options outside of Israel (and Monsey I guess) for serious long-term study of Tanakh, tefillah, and Hebrew for adults who are not frum from birth? Driven by our deep desire to connect our love of Hashem and Torah to practical aspects of observance, we are being left to our own devices… Read more »

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