Author: Rabbi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky

What’s the truth about . . . Errors in Laining?

Misconception: If a ba’al korei (person publicly reading the Torah) makes an error that alters the meaning of the text and he has already read G-d’s name in that verse, he must first finish the verse and then reread the entire verse.

What’s the Truth about . . . Milchemet Mitzvah?

Misconception: Due to the lack of a properly anointed king and the absence of the urim v’tumim, the defensive wars fought by the modern State of Israel, including the current war, are not halachically classified as milchemet mitzvah—a war that is a mitzvah, and thus the unique halachot pertaining to a milchemet mitzvah are not applicable.

What’s The Truth About…The Kotel Being Judaism’s Holiest Site?

Misconception: The “Kotel”1—the Western or Wailing Wall—is Judaism’s holiest site. Fact:  The location of the Kodesh Hakodashim (the “Holy of Holies” section of the Beit Hamikdash) on the Temple Mount is Judaism’s holiest site. In recent centuries, when Jews were barred from the Temple Mount and the closest accessible site was a piece of the […]

What’s The Truth About . . . David Hamelech Being Unable To Build The Beit Hamikdash?

Misconception: King David was not permitted to build the Beit Hamikdash because he had “blood on his hands” from all the wars he fought. Fact: David mentioned this reason to his son Shlomo, who eventually built the Beit Hamikdash, but that was not the reason G-d conveyed to David through Natan the Prophet when David expressed interest in building the Temple.

What’s the Truth about. . .Naming the First Son from Yibbum?

Misconception: The first son of a levirate1 marriage (yibbum) must be named after the deceased husband/brother. Fact: There is no such requirement, although whether it is allowed, discouraged or encouraged is subject to debate. This misconception may have arisen due to a comment made by Rashi in Bereishit.

What’s the Truth about . . . How Much to Open the Torah for Hagbah?

Misconception: During hagbah, when the Torah is lifted in shul, the more columns of text visible to the assembled, the better. Fact: According to many authorities, when the Torah is lifted, at least three columns of the Torah scroll should be visible; this is not just the minimum requirement, but the ideal number of columns. […]