Author: Chava Willig Levy

A Life not with Standing

Well-known author, editor and motivational speaker Chava Willig Levy, a polio survivor, recently published a heartwarming memoir, A Life not with Standing. With humor and wit, Levy recounts the painful surgeries and hospitalizations she experienced as well as the loving support of wonderful family and friends. This riveting and deeply moving saga tells how the […]

The Diminutive Giant: A Tribute to Rabbi Jacob Kret (1909-2007)

“So, when are you hannouncing?” he asked me. I loved talking with—and listening to—Rabbi Kret. There were superficial reasons for this: As a wheelchair user accustomed to speaking to people’s stomachs, I found it a pleasure to converse with Rabbi Jacob Kret, who measured little over five feet tall. Talking with him meant never having […]