Author: Dr. Zipora Schorr

A New Approach for Teens

We crafted an approach that centers around the student’s self-image, as well as the image he or she wishes to convey to others.

What’s the Truth About … Sheva Berachot?

Misconception: A newly married bride and groom are required to participate in sheva berachot (festive meals) each day for seven days. Fact: There is no obligation to have festive meals during the week following a wedding celebration. However, if the chatan (groom) and kallah (bride) participate in a festive meal made in their honor in […]

What’s the Truth about … Sitting Shivah on Erev Shabbat?

Misconception: Aveilim (mourners) stop sitting shivah on erev Shabbat at noon. Fact: Private displays of mourning continue on Shabbat, while the public aspects of shivah cease shortly before Shabbat.1 Background: For the first seven days following the burial of a first-degree relative (father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter or spouse), one observes a period of […]

What’s the Truth about … King David’s Tomb?

Misconception: King David is buried on Mount Zion, in a room that bears the inscription “King David’s Tomb.” Mount Zion is located just outside and to the south of the Armenian Quarter and Zion Gate of Jerusalem’s Old City. Fact: Evidence indicates that the area known today as Mount Zion was not part of inhabited […]