Review of Kuntres Birkat Yitzchak: He’arot Le-Masechet Sanhedrin, fourth edition
Readers familiar with rabbinic Hebrew and Talmudic concepts will delight in the many essays that analyze debates across the tractate of Sanhedrin.
Readers familiar with rabbinic Hebrew and Talmudic concepts will delight in the many essays that analyze debates across the tractate of Sanhedrin.
In this period before Chanukah, which celebrates the lives of the Maccabees, Guardians of the Flame is a fitting preparation for the observance of the eight days that constitute, in actuality, a minor holiday on the Jewish calendar.
We reviewed two inspirational kids books: “The Heroes of October 7th: Heroic Stories for children,” by Hadassa Ben Ari, and “Ping-Pong Shabbat: The true story of champion Estee Ackerman,” by Ann Diament Koffsky.
The same-but-different-ness of various historical periods is always a point of surprise. While circumstances change, human nature and emotion often do not.