In Focus

Four Traits of Successful Social Entrepreneurs


During these challenging times, with the Jewish community facing crises in Israel and around the world, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about how—or even if—you can make a difference. However, this is precisely the moment to pause, reflect and consider how you can contribute meaningfully and help drive the change you wish to see.

History teaches us that crises often drive innovation. When traditional methods fall short, we’re compelled to think creatively and develop new solutions. We saw it during the Covid pandemic, when scientists fast tracked vaccine development. We saw it with the remarkable technological developments that resulted from the pandemic, such as telemedicine and remote work tools that fundamentally transformed how we live and work. And we witnessed it within the Jewish community since October 7. With so much at stake, Jewish changemakers stepped up immediately. Some even paused their careers to launch powerful social media campaigns or to establish lifelines to assist our chayalim and displaced Israelis. As the director of the OU Impact Accelerator, I have seen this entrepreneurial and innovative response to adversity and crisis time and time again. Through my work, I have met highly talented and passionate social entrepreneurs who truly care about making our community a better place in new and innovative ways. Having served in this role for the past eighteen months, I continue to be inspired by these forward-thinkers who are devoting their lives to strengthening their Jewish communities and the broader Jewish world.

Established in 2018, the OU Impact Accelerator is designed to support the founders of startup nonprofits, providing emerging leaders with education, mentorship, collaboration opportunities and grants to help grow their organizations efficiently and sustainably. Through this program, the OU has been able to strengthen grassroots efforts within the Orthodox community that seek to address the community’s most pressing needs.

From my experience at the OU Impact Accelerator, I’ve gained valuable insights into the key traits that drive entrepreneurial success. Here are a few of my observations:

1. Visionary Thinking

Great entrepreneurs have a knack for looking past the challenges of today and envisioning what could be tomorrow. They see potential where others see problems, and they have a clear idea of what they want to create. This forward-thinking mindset helps them set long-term goals and come up with innovative strategies to achieve them.

2. Resilience and Embracing Failure

The journey to entrepreneurial success is rarely a straight path. It’s full of bumps, setbacks, and unexpected challenges. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from these tough moments and keep going. Entrepreneurs who are resilient stay positive, learn from their mistakes, and adjust their approach when needed. They understand that failure isn’t the end—it’s a crucial part of the learning process and growth.

3. Innovative and Risk-Taking Mindset

Innovation is the lifeblood of entrepreneurship. Successful entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for new ways to solve problems, enhance products and improve customer experiences. They are curious, creative and willing to take calculated risks. Stepping out of their comfort zone and embracing uncertainty often leads to the big rewards that come with bold ideas.

4. Strong Work Ethic

Turning an idea into reality requires dedication, hard work and persistence. Successful entrepreneurs are committed to putting in the time and effort necessary to bring their visions to life. They are disciplined and well-organized, and know how to prioritize their tasks effectively to keep moving forward toward their goals.

I feel fortunate that in my work I have the opportunity to get to work alongside those who are seeking to effect dramatic and lasting change.

Reflecting on these challenging times, I am reminded of the words of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l, who said, “Optimism is the belief that things will get better. Hope is the faith that, together, we can make things better.”  These are times that have tested our resilience in profound ways, but they also revealed the boundless capacity for innovation within our community. In the face of adversity, we did not simply endure; we responded with creativity and determination, forging new paths to meet the challenges before us.

As we look ahead, let us carry forward this spirit of innovation and resilience. The work we do now is not just about overcoming the challenges of today—it’s about building a future where we are better prepared, more adaptable and ever more committed to making a meaningful impact. May we rise to meet these challenges with the creativity and resolve that define our community, turning this moment of crisis into a beacon of hope and progress for generations to come.


Tamar Frydman is director of the OU’s Impact Accelerator.

This article was featured in the Fall 2024 issue of Jewish Action.
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