
Volume # 66

Spring 2006(5766)

In this issue

Religious Zionism- What’s Next? A Symposium

Avi and Peter Abelow Rachel Saperstein, now a resident of the Jerusalem Gold Hotel, is a friend of ours who lived in Kfar Darom in the Gaza Strip for over twenty-five years before being expelled from her home. She recently returned from a fund-raising trip to the United States on behalf of the 10,000 refugees […]


On and Off the Beaten Track In… Metzudat Koach—the Koach Fortress

Sandwiched between Pesach, the holiday marking our redemption from galut (exile), and Shavuot, the holiday when we celebrate receiving the Torah and our concomitant commitment to building a Torah society, are Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut. On the first of these two days, Israel Memorial Day, Israel commemorates the heavy price of our freedom, the […]

The Rav

Counterpoint: Portraying the Rav

From time to time, articles and symposia appear in Jewish Action and other periodicals about the value of higher secular knowledge and its consonance with Torah. Oft, Rav Yosef Dov HaLevi Soloveitchik is cited as the rabbinic imprimatur of the importance of advanced academic education—nay, as a categorical imperative. Community, Covenant and Commitment: Selected Letters […]


The Chef’s Table: Usher in Spring

Spring recipes may require seasonal ingredients that are a little tricky to get, since new vegetables are not yet at their prime. I have therefore selected a few recipes with ingredients that are available year-round. Please note that these are recipes for spring; they are not related to Pesach.   Sweet and Sour Eggplant 4 […]

Science & Technology

Bytes & PCs: MP3 for Dummies

Old age must be setting in. I have clear memories of people walking around with Sony Walkmans, listening to music etched onto plastic CDs. Sobering, isn’t it, how last year’s cutting-edge technology quickly becomes this year’s coffee cup coaster? Chances are that some of our readers even remember—gasp!—audiocassette tapes! For the moment, MP3 players are […]


The Scarf

After the Seder, on the way home from my aunt’s house, I stumble. It is not sleep that causes me to fall over my feet, nor the four cups of wine. I am off kilter from emotion.