
Volume # 0

Spring 2009 (5769)

In this issue
On and Off the Beaten Track in…the Har’el Lookout

On and Off the Beaten Track in…the Har’el Lookout

During Israel’s War of Independence, the construction of the Burma Road, a bypass to Jerusalem through the mountains, was an extraordinary feat that allowed Jewish soldiers to avoid the dangers of the main road. Photo: Israel Government Press Office As I write these lines, Israel is continuing to battle for its very existence, fighting the […]

The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening

The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening

The noted writer Nat Hentoff, who describes himself as having “abandoned our God but not abandoned our people,” explained that he remained loyal to “our people” because of a chance encounter with Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik.

Holding God’s Hand

Holding God’s Hand

For nearly a year now, Simcha Esther (Shari) Gershan has been looking the Angel of Death in the eye and smiling back at him. She’s also been telling the world about it on her Internet blog, and plans to share more of her story in her forthcoming documentary. The day after Purim 2008, the Passaic, […]

Birkat haChammah: An Evocative Blessing

Birkat haChammah: An Evocative Blessing

Why Is This Erev Pesach Different From Every Other Erev Pesach? To a Jew every mitzvah is treasured; each is a source of delight. As expressed by the psalmist, “Happy is the man who fears God, who desires His mitzvot greatly” (Psalms 112:1). Little wonder then that Birkat haChammah, despite its relative simplicity and infrequency […]

The Economic Crisis and the Crisis of Character

The Economic Crisis and the Crisis of Character

As I write, the world is in the midst of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Within the last few months, some of the oldest and best-known names in American finance, such as Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, have evaporated, while bank failures are at their highest level in decades. […]

Holding on or Letting Go?

Holding on or Letting Go?

Reflections on Hospice in the Jewish Tradition I will never forget Jay. Jay Gold was a high-powered, successful forty-six-year-old Wall Street lawyer with a very warm heart. Though he had an extremely hectic schedule, Jay always found time to help those in need: he did pro bono work for numerous charities and volunteered to represent […]


How To Handle the Financial Crisis: A Trans-Century Phone Call

Ruminating about the economic turndown, I came across a fascinating article in the June 1, 2008 issue of the New York Times, “It’s Not So Easy Being Less Rich.” It describes the financial travails of Manhattan’s super-rich. Although their investments once engendered huge annual incomes, these incomes have now shrunk to as low as $2 […]

Jewish World

What’s the Truth About…Ga’al Yisrael?

Misconception: The modern-day practice of some shelichei tzibbur—communal prayer leaders—of ending the berachah of Ga’al Yisrael in a whisper is a requirement and has been around for generations. Fact: The practice of ending Ga’al Yisrael silently seems to have originated relatively recently. Prior to modern times, the shaliach tzibbur (sha”tz) would recite the entire berachah […]

Chronic Humor

Chronic Humor

Nearly twenty years ago, Jay Feinberg, a foreign-exchange analyst in Manhattan, had a serious illness, and Lorraine Weiss, an educational coordinator in Brooklyn, had a quandary. Feinberg, at twenty-two, was diagnosed with leukemia; Weiss, who first heard about Feinberg when she read about a bone marrow drive being organized for him, wanted to help. Not […]


Spiritual Investment—Capital Gain

Ask most parents how much financial capital they possess and they will think you are on the verge of making an appeal for more tuition dollars. Ask parents how much spiritual capital they have and they will probably look at you in bewilderment. “Spiritual capital” can best be explained by drawing upon a concept from […]