
Volume # 0

Spring 2010 (5770)

In this issue
Kid-Friendly Passover Dishes That Are Too Good To Pass-Over!

Kid-Friendly Passover Dishes That Are Too Good To Pass-Over!

Each family has its favorite “tried and true” recipes that it absolutely has to include as part of the Seder menu. Tradition, tradition! But preparing family-style meals during Pesach often becomes a challenge, especially when preparing for young children. I hope these easy Passover dishes, adapted from my cookbooks The Food Processor Bible (Vancouver, Canada, […]

The Royal Table: A Passover Haggadah
New Books from OU Press

The Royal Table: A Passover Haggadah

How is it that an elder statesman of the Jewish community, a man with wide-ranging responsibility in a massive organization he helped build, can find the time to write a beautifully flowing commentary on the Haggadah that combines exquisite language,

Gemara and the Ba’al Teshuvah
Siyum HaShas

Gemara and the Ba’al Teshuvah

“Why learn Gemara?” is a question most ba’alei teshuvah will ask themselves in the course of their Torah study. It is rather unlikely that Gemara inspired the ba’al teshuvah to take his initial step towards Torah. He was probably attracted to Torah by the beauty of its ideas about life, purpose, self-knowledge and relationships. Having […]

There is a Season: Spring in Israel

There is a Season: Spring in Israel

I grew up in New England. Seasons in New England are the stuff of legend: Raging thunderstorms and scorching heat in summer, bursts of color in fall, snow measured by yardsticks in winter and a watercolor wash of flowers in spring. There is no missing it; the rhythm of the seasons is not subtle. Moving […]


Pesach on the Base

Preparing for a seder in Balad, Iraq, 2004. Courtesy of the Unit Ministry Team PESACH IN IRAQ One week after US forces toppled Saddam Hussein’s tyrannical regime in April 2003, Jews everywhere gathered around their Seder tables to celebrate Pesach. Inside an army tent in the desert outside Baghdad, twenty-five Jewish American soldiers–scruffy, tired and […]


Two Lifetimes

With the brilliance of a comet Ruth streaked through our lives for fourteen years minus one week, gone now two weeks short of twenty-eight years, twice the length of her effervescent life. “With a mighty hand, with an outstretched arm,” God blasted Egypt with plagues, one for each finger, says the Hagaddah, times five for […]


Ish Yehudi: The Life and the Legacy of a Torah Great, Rav Joseph Tzvi Carlebach

Ish Yehudi: The Life and the Legacy of a Torah Great, Rav Joseph Tzvi Carlebach By Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach Shearith Joseph Publications New York, 2008 316 pages Rabbi Joseph Carlebach: Authenticity and Heroism in Cataclysmic Times The legendary three communities Kehillot AHU (Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbeck) boasted authors, rabbis and scholars of storied fame in […]

Breaking the Snack Habit
Wellness Report

Breaking the Snack Habit

Q: How do I stop my terrible habit of constantly snacking on anything and everything?

A: Snacking is not a terrible habit. In fact, most nutrition experts agree that regular healthy snacking is a smart nutrition practice. It provides valuable nutrients in between meals and also keeps you from getting too hungry. If you don’t eat enough and you allow yourself to get extremely hungry, you may end up overeating when food is available to you, leading you to consume extra calories. Snacking is especially important for individuals over age sixty-five.

What’s the Truth about . . . the Translation of Yam Suf?

What’s the Truth about . . . the Translation of Yam Suf?

MISCONCEPTION: Upon leaving Egypt, the Jews crossed the Yam Suf, which is translated as the Red Sea. This translation, however, is an error. Red Sea is a corruption of the correct Old English (OE) translation, Reed (Rede) Sea. (Rede is a legitimate spelling of reed in OE.) FACT: The notion that the Yam Suf is […]


On and Off the Beaten Track in . . . Ancient Places

In Be’er Sheva, one can walk in the footsteps of our forefather Avraham.  Photos: Although the Bible can be studied anywhere, only in Israel can we walk in the footsteps of the personalities of the Tanach and stand in the places that figured in the narratives of their lives. Many locations in modern Israel […]


Who’s Afraid of Change? Rethinking the Yeshivah Curriculum

Gemara class at the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey. Photo: Judah S. Harris We are all aware that the basic Jewish curriculum has been set for us by tradition and appears in Avot. Mikra (which includes Chumash, Nach, Hebrew language and linguistic skills), Mishnah, Talmud, and works of halachah are the basic components of the […]

The Zilberman Method

The Zilberman Method

The past few decades have witnessed the rapid growth of Yeshivot that adhere to what is known as “The Zilberman Model” in the world of Jewish Education. Yeshivot across the spectrum, from Jerusalem to Johannesburg to Toronoto, have adapted the Zilberman model of education. What exactly is the Zilberman method, and why has it become […]

A New and Potent Curriculum for the Jewish Day School

A New and Potent Curriculum for the Jewish Day School

Marvin Schick’s recent study, A Census of Jewish Day Schools in the United States 2008-9,1 clearly demonstrates growth in the number of day schools as well as significantly increased student enrollment within these institutions. Unquestionably, within the last decade, American Jews have come to accept that a crucial part of their children’s socialization into Judaism […]

Gemara and the Ba’al Teshuvah

Gemara and the Ba’al Teshuvah

“Why learn Gemara?” is a question most ba’alei teshuvah will ask themselves in the course of their Torah study. It is rather unlikely that Gemara inspired the ba’al teshuvah to take his initial step towards Torah. He was probably attracted to Torah by the beauty of its ideas about life, purpose, self-knowledge and relationships. Having […]

Making a Meaningful Bat Mitzvah

Making a Meaningful Bat Mitzvah

Bruria delivering a devar Torah at her Bat Mitzvah. Photos courtesy of the Bleich family Good frum girls don’t make Bat Mitzvahs–such was the prevailing view when I was growing up. And so when I turned twelve, I was proud to mark the occasion by doing– nothing. At the Australian day school I attended, this […]