
Volume # 0

Winter 2008(5769)

In this issue
Hearty Dishes for Hearty Appetites

Hearty Dishes for Hearty Appetites

Pea Zucchini Soup 6 servings A lovely thick soup of Italian origin, this recipe calls for non-seasonal ingredients. The soup freezes well and you can make it pareve or dairy. 4 tablespoons olive oil 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 pound zucchini, rinsed and trimmed, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 20 ounces frozen sweet peas, thawed […]

Breezes of Hope: A Tapestry of Scenes Creates a Vision for the Future

Breezes of Hope: A Tapestry of Scenes Creates a Vision for the Future

Sixteen years ago, I published an article in Jewish Action entitled “Breezes of Redemption.” It was reflective and hopeful, and predated the second intifada, the Expulsion from Gush Katif, the Second Lebanon War and endless reports of corruption in high places. Among the large national issues, I also wrote about my daughter, our first child. […]

Reflections on Being a Loser at Jewish Geography
Jewish Culture

Reflections on Being a Loser at Jewish Geography

“And tell me, where did you used to daven?” It was an innocent question, e-mailed by a stranger seeking my advice about something or other. As the e-mails flew between us, we discovered that we’d grown up in the same neighborhood. Small world, right? She followed up with the usual questions about my maiden name […]


Kosher Catering

Plan on attending your cousin’s Bar Mitzvah party next week? Or your neighbor’s daughter’s wedding next month? As an increasing number of semachot are catered at non-kosher hotels, it is important for the kosher consumer to be aware of what takes place in hotel kitchens. Indeed, oftentimes guests enjoy a lavish smorgasbord (replete with roast […]

Up Close with Rabbi Yehoshua Fass

Up Close with Rabbi Yehoshua Fass

Perhaps the most striking thing about the Jerusalem office of Nefesh B’Nefesh is its sparkling, corporate look. The quiet hum of phones ringing in the background, with rows of workers in cubicles pecking away at their keyboards, lends an aura of a thriving Fortune 500 company. But whereas corporate entities are often weighed down by […]


A Call to American Jewry: We Have Been Summoned!

In a historic decision made a few months ago, the Israeli government ended its fifty-five-year-old agreement with the American Jewish community, and started to directly support aliyah programs in the West. To understand how remarkable this decision is, it is important to view it from a historical perspective. In 1950, David Ben-Gurion reluctantly signed an […]

Aliyah: Have We Stopped Dreaming?

Aliyah: Have We Stopped Dreaming?

This year we celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the birth of the modern State of Israel. The reappearance of an independent Jewish nation after a 2,000-year-long galut (exile)—one that witnessed the ingathering of more than one-third of the Jewish people, the revival of an ancient language and the ever-growing fulfillment of “Ki miTzion tetzei Torah”—is […]


Next Stop, Bombay! The Life of a Wandering Mashgiach

Dr. Avraham Meyer’s idea of a dream vacation is exploring his Manchester, England backyard and getting to sleep in his own bed for more than three nights in a row. For close to two decades, Dr. Meyer, the Orthodox Union’s (OU) Senior European rabbinic field representative (RFR), has been hopping planes, trains, taxis and cars […]

A Delicate Balance: The Role of the Rebbetzin

A Delicate Balance: The Role of the Rebbetzin

The rebbetzin’s creed should be similar to that of the physician: “Above all, do no harm.” The rest is commentary. Now for the commentary. First, a definition: for the purposes of this little exposition, I presume that by the term “rebbetzin,” we are referring not to the wife of any man who has semichah, but […]

Jewish Living

What’s the Truth About … Sheva Berachot?

Misconception: A newly married bride and groom are required to participate in sheva berachot (festive meals) each day for seven days. Fact: There is no obligation to have festive meals during the week following a wedding celebration. However, if the chatan (groom) and kallah (bride) participate in a festive meal made in their honor in […]

Super Choice

Super Choice

With the Super Bowl quickly approaching, Rabbi Ilan Feldman recalls how football brought a few fans to higher spiritual heights.

Halachic Aspects of Vaccination
Jewish Law

Halachic Aspects of Vaccination

              Perhaps it is because we live in twenty-first century America, a country largely immune from true epidemics, that we take vaccination for granted and some parents even consider not vaccinating their children. A Jew living in the eighteenth century would have longed for respite from the relentless onslaught […]

Wellness Report

Take Control of Your Shabbat Meal

Q: I love Shabbat, but I hate that it’s become a battleground for my eating habits. I’m careful about dieting all week long, but when Friday comes around, I get thrown off course. Shabbat Chanukah is even more of a challenge with all the dreidel-shaped cookies and sufganiyot around. Please help! A: What you’re describing […]

Aliyah Stories: Why Israel Is For Me

Aliyah Stories: Why Israel Is For Me

For me, the excitement began from the minute we chose to go to the airport. I kept thinking about the soon-to-be olim. “It’s one more month before they get here,” or “this is their last Shabbat in North America,” went through my mind. As the date of their arrival approached, the anticipation grew. The night […]