Purim Bingo: Who Will You Spot This Year? 


On Purim, we’ve got our four key mitzvot: listening to the Megillah, giving mishloach manot, giving matanot l’evyonim to those in need and enjoying a festive seudah. But let’s be real; there’s still some time left in the day. 

So, how do you fill those hours?  

By playing Purim Bingo, of course! 

Here’s how it works: 

Download this pre-made board featuring a bunch of the characters from this article. Print it out, bring it along on Purim and see how many you can spot! 

Purim Bingo Cards[92]

You can also use the blank Bingo board to fill in yourself. Fill the squares with Purim characters you’re likely to encounter throughout the day. As you spot each one, mark them off. 

Below are some suggestions to get you started, but feel free to add your own; you never know who you’ll run into . . . 

  • The generous soul handing out dollar bills to everyone they see. 
  • The person carrying someone on their shoulders—and you genuinely can’t tell which legs are real. 
  • The costume so elaborate it requires a three-minute explanation. 
  • The family dressed in a perfectly coordinated group theme. 
  • The Purim juggler, magician or balloon artist—there’s always one! 
  • The person whose costume has built-in flashing lights or sound effects. 
  • The punny costume wearer who gets a groan or “Haaaaa” every time they explain their costume. 
  • The one who goes all out with full makeup, wigs and props. 
  • The kid dressed as Mordechai who refuses to break character. 
  • The one wearing a costume so puffy they can barely fit through a door. 
  • The car blasting Purim music loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear. 
  • The person who hand-delivers every mishloach manot and stays to chat. 
  • The kid trying to trade up their mishloach manot like it’s the stock market. 
  • The one giving out homemade hamantaschen—and hoping you appreciate their unique flavored filling. 
  • The toddler in a costume they clearly did not choose and are not happy about. 
  • The person wearing the controversial political costume. 
  • The crafty genius who DIYed their costume and has been planning this since last Purim (or maybe even the Purim before). 
  • The person who somehow manages to collect twenty bags of candy by noon. 
  • The person whose mishloach manot bag is so beautifully packaged, you hesitate to open it. 
  • The amateur photographer snapping pictures of absolutely everything. 
  • The last-minute mishloach manot giver raiding their pantry for random snacks. 
  • The person wearing a cardboard box. 
  • The person handing out mishloach manot with a d’var Torah inside. 
  • The one who wears the same Purim accessory every single year and calls it a costume. 
  • The kid who’s a bit too excited about their sword prop. 
  • The person in a mysterious, full-coverage costume—and you never actually find out who they are! 


If you get a full row, Mazal Tov—you’re officially a Purim pro! And if you manage to fill the entire board, please reveal your secret powers. It sounds like you know everyone!  

In all seriousness, Purim is a day to celebrate the survival of our nation, focus on finding Hashem and level up our simchah. So even if you don’t get around to playing Bingo, your Purim can still be a success . . . especially if you at least manage to score some good hamantaschen!  

Happy Purim character spotting, and Chag Purim Sameach 



Sari Kopitnikoff is an experiential educator, digital artist and content creator who is passionate about creating books, games, activities and shows that bring Judaism to life. You can find her books, games and lots of educational activities on her website, thatjewishmoment.com and on social media, @thatjewishmoment. 


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