
Volume # 85

Fall 2024 (5785)

In this issue
The Great Jewish Awakening
Cover Story

The Great Jewish Awakening

The most common Jewish reaction to rising antisemitism has not been laying low and hiding one’s identity, but rather an increase in Torah learning and mitzvah observance and a stronger connection to the Jewish community.

Is the Orthodox Community Doing Enough?
Cover Story

Is the Orthodox Community Doing Enough?

Kiruv professionals—working with all demographics—stress that they cannot single-handedly reach the many unaffiliated Jews across the country who are searching for connection in the post–October 7 world. It’s time for all hands on deck.

Teshuvah After October 7
Cover Story

Teshuvah After October 7

We conceptualize teshuvah as movement across this scale, from less to more. But on October 7, a spiritual sea change seemed to sweep across our people that rendered this model simplistic.

What’s the Truth about . . . Milchemet Mitzvah?

What’s the Truth about . . . Milchemet Mitzvah?

Misconception: Due to the lack of a properly anointed king and the absence of the urim v’tumim, the defensive wars fought by the modern State of Israel, including the current war, are not halachically classified as milchemet mitzvah—a war that is a mitzvah, and thus the unique halachot pertaining to a milchemet mitzvah are not applicable.

Holy Pineapples

Holy Pineapples

Truly, I find pineapples tedious. But this call wasn’t about me. It was about helping a farmer during a war that threatened so many livelihoods, another heartbreak of this existential battle.