The Rav

In Tribute to the Rav

Original photo courtesy of Yeshiva University Archives, Public Relations People Photograph Collection

To mark the thirtieth yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik ztz”l, Jewish Action takes a look back at the classic 1993 issue in tribute to the Rav. Produced just a few months after the Rav’s passing, this collection of commemorative articles is now available digitally for the first time.

Introduction from the 1993 Issue

Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik was a figure of historic proportions. His presence in our midst had a profound impact on the course of our generation and his ideas, methods and personality will leave a permanent mark on the course of Jewish history and thought.

We have chosen to focus on a few aspects of the Rav’s kaleidoscopic nature: his life, his thought, his role and impact on his home town, and his historical and personal impact and influence.

We are deeply indebted to all of the contributors of articles and pictures to this special section on the Rav. Working under crushing time pressure, during a period of great personal stress after his passing, they persevered in completing their assignments with precision and sensitivity. Their painstaking effort for the sake of their beloved rebbe is, in itself, an outstanding tribute to his memory.

Featured Articles

Courtesy of Yeshiva University Archives, Public Relations People Photograph Collection

Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik: Biographical Highlights by Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff and Edited by Rabbi Joseph Epstein


Courtesy of Yeshiva University Archives, Public Relations People Photograph Collection

The Great Musician Takes His Leave by Rabbi Hillel Goldberg


Courtesy of Yeshiva University Archives, Public Relations People Photograph Collection

Personal Glimpses of the Rav by Dr. Allen Goldstein


Courtesy of Maimonides School

The Task Dearest To His Heart by Michael Rosenberg


Original photo courtesy of Yeshiva University Archives, Public Relations People Photograph Collection

My Teacher, My Master by Rabbi Menachem Genack


From Left: Original photo courtesy of Yeshiva University Archives, Public Relations People Photograph Collection; original photo courtesy of the Office of Rabbi Sacks/Blake Ezra Photography

Creation and Conflict by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks


Courtesy of Yeshiva University Archives, Public Relations People Photograph Collection

The Rav’s Philosophical Legacy by Dr. David Shatz


Courtesy of Yeshiva University, Public Relations People Photograph Collection

Faith and Intellect: The Impact of the Rav by Matis Greenblatt

This article was featured in the Summer 1993 issue of Jewish Action.
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