Even The Stones Are Treif: The Kashrut Chaos That Spurred The Founding Of OU Kosher
Ten years later, the city’s Commissioner of Markets still estimated that 40 percent of the “kosher” meat sold in New York was actually treif.
Ten years later, the city’s Commissioner of Markets still estimated that 40 percent of the “kosher” meat sold in New York was actually treif.
Ensuring the availability of a wide range of kosher products in suburban grocery stores, and increasingly, supermarkets, was crucial to keeping on-the-fence Jewish consumers within the kosher fold.
Harold Jacobs, and other young activists in the emerging class of postwar American Orthodox leaders, forged new paths of influence both in the Jewish community and beyond.
Every grave marker we could correct would be an act of justice and a teaching opportunity. And, of course, a chesed shel emet.