Phyllis Eisenberg: The Frum “Martha Stewart” Mishloach Manot Consultant
Her mishloach manot project, which raises about $50,000 annually for the Young Israel of Deerfield Beach, Florida, is known for its creativity, practicality and elegance.
Her mishloach manot project, which raises about $50,000 annually for the Young Israel of Deerfield Beach, Florida, is known for its creativity, practicality and elegance.
Here’s a fun Purim Bingo activity to go along with the festivities of the day!
A rich hamantashen recipe for a simchah-rich Purim!
Just because Purim is a topsy-turvy day doesn’t mean your health has to be turned upside down! With a bit of mindfulness, you can make this Purim a day of joy without letting the food frenzy take over.