Taking Back our Schools—and Childhood
“We should be banning phones as a community—all of the schools should be on the same page,” says Rabbi Mordechai Shifman . . .
“We should be banning phones as a community—all of the schools should be on the same page,” says Rabbi Mordechai Shifman . . .
Is there any way, then, for frum Jews to salvage social media? If the answer were no, this book would not need to have been written.
How technology and professionalization are reshaping the eruv industry
The Torah mandates (Exodus 25:15) that the staves used to carry the Ark in the Beit Hamikdash never be removed. Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch explains that we must not allow the Torah and its mission to become place-bound and stationary. We must be perpetually ready to transport them, to carry them to whatever destination Divine […]