
Volume # 0

Spring 2013(5773)

In this issue
A Non-Gebrokts, Gluten-Free Passover

A Non-Gebrokts, Gluten-Free Passover

Even experienced cooks find Passover overwhelming because of all the extra preparations, shopping, cooking and meal planning. To minimize stress, plan your menus and shopping lists early. This year, why not add some gluten-free, wheat-free recipes to your regular repertoire? Wheat-free recipes are also ideal for those who refrain from eating gebrokts (matzah or matzah […]

Non-Gebrokts Food: The Newest Trend

Non-Gebrokts Food: The Newest Trend

What’s Behind the Explosion in Non-Gebrokts Products for Pesach? In recent years, non-gebrokts food has become a major trend. “People are noticing that matzah meal, a long-standing Pesach baking staple, is appearing less and less in packaged kosher-for-Passover products,” observes Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz, OU senior rabbinic coordinator. The OU, which certifies more than 600,000 products […]


Achdut by Sandy, or Achdut by Love?

Several years ago, while traveling by plane, I found myself seated next to a Reform Jew who seemed interested in the Daf Yomi I was studying. This was right after Hurricane Katrina and my seatmate—who turned out to be the weatherman for a local TV station in New Orleans—said he had been in New Orleans […]

Suffering with Dignity
Jewish Thought

Suffering with Dignity

In the book Out of the Whirlwind, the Rav, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, z”l, teaches that Judaism’s approach to suffering rests on three pillars. The first is acknowledging that evil and suffering exist and they are bad. We cannot whitewash, disguise or ignore pain, hurt or loss, nor should we attempt to justify or deny […]

Seeking Answers With Humility
Jewish Thought

Seeking Answers With Humility

One’s response to the specific event of this particular storm, or to natural disasters in general, is a function of one’s general view both of the melding interaction between God and the world, i.e., of natural events

Hurricane Sandy: A Spiritual Response

Hurricane Sandy: A Spiritual Response

My wife and I decided to stay in Long Beach and not evacuate for Hurricane Sandy. In time, it became progressively clear that this was an extremely serious and unprecedented situation.

The Chosen People
From The Desk of Rabbi Steven Weil, Senior Managing Director

The Chosen People

I had the unique experience of growing up on a cattle farm about fifty miles outside of Buffalo. When my family members escaped to America from Germany, they went into the same profession they had before Hitler. That profession, known as “viehandler” or cattle dealers, required living in a rural, agricultural area which, unfortunately, meant […]

The Jewish World Series: Achdut Makes a Home Run
Jewish World

The Jewish World Series: Achdut Makes a Home Run

Baseball was on Rabbi Zvi Kahn’s mind as he headed from his home in Columbus, Ohio, to the nearby Jewish Community Center after Havdalah one Saturday night in May three years ago. More accurately, a baseball tournament. A baseball tournament, unifying day school kids from across the country, provides young frum athletes with a chance […]

Lessons from the Team That Wouldn’t Play on Shabbat

Lessons from the Team That Wouldn’t Play on Shabbat

Visiting Houston a few months ago, at the start of the high school basketball season, I spent some time at the Robert M. Beren Hebrew Academy, the Modern Orthodox day school whose boys’ basketball team last year taught the nation about Shabbat. After the Beren Stars, experiencing their best-ever, 23-5 season, qualified for the final […]

On and Off the Beaten Track in . . . Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu

On and Off the Beaten Track in . . . Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu

A religious kibbutz that is a world leader in the technology of organic farming “God took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to work it and to guard it” (Bereishit 2:15). In Israel, the words of the Bible come alive in many ways. Indeed, to members of Sde Eliyahu, a religious […]

Unmasking the Purim Pesach Connection

Unmasking the Purim Pesach Connection

Imagine the moadim (holidays) as a circle beginning with Pesach in Nissan and ending with Purim in Adar. If the moadim were arranged in a straight line, Purim would be the furthest from Pesach.