
Volume # 83

Summer 2023(5783)

In this issue
A Bridge of Paper

A Bridge of Paper

As much as we’d like to think of it as a sober, careful decision, we have yet to understand the astounding forces that gathered, propelling us to our homeland.  

Cool It

Cool It

Minted Cantaloupe Soup; Mock-Crab & Peach Salad in Radicchio Cups; Watermelon-Lime Sorbet

What’s The Truth About…The Kotel Being Judaism’s Holiest Site?

What’s The Truth About…The Kotel Being Judaism’s Holiest Site?

Misconception: The “Kotel”1—the Western or Wailing Wall—is Judaism’s holiest site. Fact:  The location of the Kodesh Hakodashim (the “Holy of Holies” section of the Beit Hamikdash) on the Temple Mount is Judaism’s holiest site. In recent centuries, when Jews were barred from the Temple Mount and the closest accessible site was a piece of the […]

Our Tenth Aliyaversary

Our Tenth Aliyaversary

Even after living in Yerushalayim for more than ten years now, I still experience a sense of wonderment when I turn off the street named for Ramban to the street named for Ibn Ezra and when the seasonal decorations on the lampposts are for my festival, not someone else’s.