
Volume # 0

Summer 2012(5772)

In this issue
Shabbat Menu Makeover
Wellness Report

Shabbat Menu Makeover

How you can have an elegant and delicious Shabbat meal without sacrificing your waistline Q: How can I make healthier choices on Shabbat without feeling like I’m eating “diet foods”? A: As Orthodox Jews in the twenty-first century, we’re interested in following a healthy diet, but frequently our typical Shabbat fare makes this very challenging. […]

Ben-Gurion: A Political Life
Reviews in Brief

Ben-Gurion: A Political Life

The life story of David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, is interesting enough on its own, but when told by his protégé, former Prime Minister and current President Shimon Peres,

A Kinah on the Tragedy in Toulouse

A Kinah on the Tragedy in Toulouse

“The World Endures Solely on Account of the Breath of Schoolchildren” An Elegy Over the Murders of a Teacher and Students in Toulouse, 25 Adar 5772 By Moshe Sokolow On Tishah B’Av this year, along with mourning the tragedies over the centuries, let us mourn the Jewish victims of Islamic terror in our days as […]

Food for Travel: Never Leave Home Without It!

Food for Travel: Never Leave Home Without It!

Planes, trains or automobiles—no matter which mode of transportation you choose, it can be somewhat of a challenge to ensure that you’ll have kosher food while traveling and upon arriving at your destination.  Organization and advance planning are the keys to having a relaxing vacation, so it’s a good idea to prepare a list and […]



Following the Destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, our Sages introduced a number of practices whose purpose is to remind us of Yerushalayim and the Beit Hamikdash. Our Sages felt that anything that brings joy should be accompanied by a zecher l’Churban, a remembrance of the Destruction, because without Yerushalayim and the Beit Hamikdash, there is […]

Back to Yeshivah

Back to Yeshivah

Journalist Steve Lipman observes a small but growing trend among aging Orthodox baby boomers: they are heading back to yeshivah.

Can We All Get Along?
Jewish World

Can We All Get Along?

We fight and quibble, like all families. At times, the ideological differences between us—Chassidic, Sephardic, Yeshivish, Modern Orthodox—seem like formidable, even insurmountable, walls.

Business and Economics

Be Your Own Lobbyist: How to Speak Up For Your Community

Until recently, the vast majority of frum families in the US were concentrated in a fairly small number of cities and suburbs. Today, thanks to growing numbers—and a welcome decline in anti-Semitism—Orthodox Jews are making homes in a diverse array of locales around the country. That’s the good news. Here’s the bad: In communities with […]



Eishes Chayil is a pseudonym for Judy Brown, the author of Hush, a book that has been described by some as a sensationalist exposé, and commended by others for its masterful suspenseful style. (Brown originally wrote the book anonymously but revealed her identity after the murder of eight-year-old Leiby Kletzky.)

Taking the Plunge

Taking the Plunge

Ah, summer. Barbeques. Sun. Long Shabbatot, beaches and blue skies. And the kids? They’re in day camp, having a blast. They bounce from baseball to hockey, from arts and crafts to learning, to music, to dance . . . until they finally come home exhilarated and exhausted. Of course we all know the best part […]

A Timeless People

A Timeless People

In the twelfth century, a Spanish traveler known as Binyamin of Tudela set out on a thirteen-year tour of Jewish communities across Europe and the Middle East. He would later catalogue his sojourns in what would become a famous work—beyond which we know nothing of its author

Seven Steps to “Mentschhood”—How to Help your Child Become a Mentsch: An Interactive Guide for Parents

Seven Steps to “Mentschhood”—How to Help your Child Become a Mentsch: An Interactive Guide for Parents

One of the universally acknowledged goals of Jewish education, in addition to acquainting students with the fundamentals of Judaism, deepening their sense of faith and commitment to religious life, equipping them with the skills that will allow them to become life-long learners and preparing them to continue their Jewish and secular educations is the development of exemplary character traits, often represented by the Yiddish term “Mentschlichkeit,” or in Stanley Fischman’s more Americanized form, “Mentschhood.”


Meeting of Jewish Hearts: Women Lead the Way

Four years ago, feeling helpless over the Sderot bombings and the intensifying danger facing Jews worldwide, Tziporah Harris knew that Jewish unity would turn it all around. And it had to start with her. Harris, a forty-year-old Aish HaTorah lecturer who lives in Passaic, New Jersey, began an impromptu speaking tour, urging women from around […]

Remembering Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, z”l

Remembering Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, z”l

By now the outlines of Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel’s life are widely known. Born in Chicago in 1943 to Rabbi Eliyahu Meir, zt”l, and Sarah Finkel, Rav Nosson Tzvi attended Ida Crown Jewish Academy, a coed Modern Orthodox day school.

The True Simchah

The True Simchah

Early this year, my family celebrated the wedding of my nephew Simcha in Baltimore, Maryland. The wedding was lovely. The chatan and kallah radiated a sense of infectious joy. And since I live in Israel, it was wonderful to see members of my family who live in America, albeit briefly. I greatly appreciated another aspect […]

Ready…Set… Daven!

Ready…Set… Daven!

Who would have imagined a display of Jewish unity emerging from that most solitary of sports—long distance running? Since its inception in 1983, the International Minyan for New York City Marathoners has been a model of Jewish unity—the joint project of an Orthodox shul-goer from New Jersey running his first marathon (me), and a rabbi […]

The Best Shabbat Ever

The Best Shabbat Ever

By Mark Levie Hearing my thirteen-year-old daughter Talia say that she had the best Shabbat ever was music to my ears. And it was not because she went to an over-the-top Bat Mitzvah or hung out with the “in” crowd. It was because something special happened around our Shabbat table that was meaningful—and she clearly […]

On and Off the Beaten Track… The Menorah—Official Symbol of the State of Israel

On and Off the Beaten Track… The Menorah—Official Symbol of the State of Israel

  The Knesset Menorah stands about fifteen feet high across from the main entrance to the Knesset. Photo: Upon the founding of the State of Israel, the menorah was chosen as its official symbol. Today, the Knesset Menorah, a bronze monument, stands about fifteen feet high, across from the Knesset gates, symbolizing the eternity […]

Let’s Stay Safe

Let’s Stay Safe

Let’s Stay Safe By Bracha Goetz Mesorah Publications Brooklyn, 2011 32 pages Reviewed by Norman Blumenthal When teaching children about safety, educators and parents alike face a formidable challenge: how does one impart lessons about potential danger and the need to take precautions but not instill undue fear or trepidation? Ideally, our children should have […]

Enchanted in Sderot

Enchanted in Sderot

In the Negev region of Israel there is a city called Sderot, which serves as a commercial, medical, cultural and educational center for the surrounding area. Brochures seeking to attract visitors might call it “kassum,” Hebrew for “enchanting,” if not for the fact that today Sderot’s main claim to fame is the Kassam missiles that […]

Angels at the Table: A Practical Guide to Celebrating Shabbat

Angels at the Table: A Practical Guide to Celebrating Shabbat

Angels at the Table: A Practical Guide to Celebrating Shabbat By Yvette Alt Miller Continuum New York, 2011 367 pp. + vii Reviewed by Hillel Goldberg After I read Abraham Joshua Heschel’s beautifully written and spiritually penetrating The Sabbath, with its elaboration of Shabbat as a “palace in time,” I thought I had read everything […]

Take My Pulpit – Please!
Jewish World

Take My Pulpit – Please!

For the past six years, on the Sunday evening between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, OU-member synagogue rabbis have been swapping pulpits in the name of Jewish unity. “Unity starts from the top,” says Rabbi Yaakov Luban, executive rabbinic coordinator of the Orthodox Union and rav of Ohr Torah in Edison, New Jersey, who swapped […]

The Lonely Man of Faith
New Books from OU Press

The Lonely Man of Faith

The Lonely Man of Faith, the Rav’s classic essay, has achieved iconic status in the world of Jewish philosophy. No contemporary discussion of fundamental themes in Jewish philosophy

Varieties of Jewish Experience
Reviews in Brief

Varieties of Jewish Experience

When Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein speaks, people listen. In this latest collection of his articles, he addresses many of the issues that rose to the fore over the past two decades and remain relevant today—