Author: Steve Lipman

Summer Reading

Read about the humor and resilience of Judy Gruen’s journey to Orthodox Judaism, the practical wisdom of Dr. Jacob L. Freedman’s psychiatric advice, and the insights of Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt on meaningful prayer.

Boosting Morale with Art

A few days before October 7, artist Leah Luria was working in her Ramat Bet Shemesh studio on a painting of Safed, showing the area’s rolling mountains underneath a violet-yellow sky. It was a “serene . . . whimsical” artwork, in shades of purple and lavender. It was the latest in a series of Israeli […]

Joe Lieberman: The Man, The Mentsch  

He was always accessible and gracious—traits not to be taken for granted from someone who, because of his political prominence, could have saved his time for the TV networks and well-connected authors. 

Chizuk on Campus

In the days and weeks after the Hamas massacre, Jewish students on campus started receiving chizuk (support) from the broader Jewish community. 

Best Kids Books to Gift This Chanukah

  A Kids Book About Perseverance By Yonina Schnall Lermer Yonina Schnall Lermer, a veteran teacher and literacy curriculum coordinator, wrote A Kids Book About Perseverance for youngsters who, facing a challenge, tell themselves “I can’t do this.” In thirty-two pages, she tells them—and shows them—how they can. From her years in the classroom, […]

Paper Shields

The Minchenbergs had offered to serve as a drop-off site for an impromptu “IDF Mezuzah Project,” a grassroots campaign that began in the wake of the Gaza War. Its goal: to provide mezuzot for the doorposts of every Israeli Army base, as a form of Divine protection for the soldiers in their ongoing battle against Hamas terrorists.

Not Like Most

She thought she was taking a test for a blood donation. She ended up donating a kidney.

“Anyone Can Do It”

A few months before she graduated from Rutgers University last year, Ahuva Strauss had a geographic epiphany—down the street from the apartment where she lived were two hospitals. She was aware that the major institutions were there but she had given little thought to the patients inside. “I never realized how lonely some of them […]

Centennial Spotlight: Rabbi Berel Wein

‘There was no uniformity and there were many certifications that were questionable. The challenge was to set the standard.’ Which the OU ultimately did.

When Science Meets Kashrut: How one woman blazed a trail in OU Kosher

At a bar mitzvah in Englewood, New Jersey, in the mid-1980s, Rabbi Menachem Genack, early in his career as rabbinic administrator of OU Kosher, was introduced to Dr. Judith Leff, a biochemist who was then working as a researcher in molecular biology at the Albert Einstein Medical College of Medicine in the Bronx. The rabbi […]

Everyday Kindness – February 2023

In this column, we highlight small and not-so-small acts of kindness that happen each and every single day.     A Warm Final Sendoff an a Below-Freezing Day  On a frigid Ontario afternoon in January 2019, more than 150 members of Toronto’s Jewish community stood on the open grounds of a snow-covered cemetery in the freezing […]

Rabbi Chaim Goldzweig, zt”l

“There’s no question that Rabbi Goldzweig was a pivotal player in the development of kashrut in America,” Rabbi Israel Paretzky, an OU RC told Jewish Action in a 2011 interview. “He was the OU.”

Volunteering in Moldova

She had learned two expressions in Russian. “You are in a safe place.” And, “You are not alone.”