Reviews in Brief – Winter 2024
Medinah, Halachah VeKavanot HaTorah; Living in the Land: Firsthand accounts from Bnei Torah and their families; Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Religious Universalism and the German-Jewish Quest for Emancipation
Medinah, Halachah VeKavanot HaTorah; Living in the Land: Firsthand accounts from Bnei Torah and their families; Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Religious Universalism and the German-Jewish Quest for Emancipation
Life after Teshuvah: Five, Ten, and Twenty Years Later; Pesikah KaHalachah (Hebrew)
The Jewish State: From Opposition to Opportunity; HaAretz Asher Areka: Mitzvat Yishuv Eretz Yisrael (Hebrew); Famous Gemaras: The Gemara’s incredible stories come to life
The Halachic Haircutting Handbook: A Breakthrough Exposure of an Obscure Mitzvah (Second Edition) By Rabbi Chaim and Binyamin Jachter Kol Torah, 2023 107 pages Over the past few years, a plethora of books and articles—most of them sent to my house without my permission by an enthusiastic opponent of shaving—have been published that argue that […]