Author: Merri Ukraincik

Parenting on Different Pages

Parental religious misalignment—when a husband and wife have varying levels of observance and faith—is not exactly an unknown phenomenon in the Orthodox community. 

The Blessings of Zoom School

Midway through their first session, the girls disappeared from the screen . . . Hearing sirens, the girls had raced to their shelters.

Meet the New Meat: Plant- and Cell-Based Alternatives

“The possibilities of genetic modification are endless,” Rabbi Nosson Neuberger observes. “If you take the right organism, tweak its DNA and give it the right feedstock, you can have it produce virtually whatever natural chemical you want.”

Newly Dedicated Nach Yomi Enters Second Cycle

Mrs. Wolfson has dedicated the second Torat Imecha Nach Yomi cycle, now underway, in honor of her mother, grandmothers and a cherished aunt. “I am proud to be part of this initiative,” she says.

Stacey Goldman

As a Jewish educator who teaches in multiple venues, Stacey Goldman aims to inspire.

Sora and Jerry Wolasky

As a young couple in Norfolk, Virginia, Sora and Jerry Wolasky got involved in the local NCSY chapter when the rabbi sought their help with the shul. Sora began to organize Shabbatons and brought advisors into the area from Baltimore for the chagim, giving public school youth the life-changing opportunity to learn more about their […]

Eve Gordon-Ramek

“Eve launched an era of growth for the entire East Bay area.”

Finding a Zivug on Zoom

Experienced shadchanim and relationship experts reflect on this new era of matchmaking and dating

Michael Leven: Committed to the Jewish Future

“I learned from the pushkes my grandparents kept on the television that it isn’t always how much we give that matters,” he recalls. “Sometimes, it’s just the giving itself.”