Torah of the Mind, Torah of the Heart: Divrei Torah of the Talner Rebbe
“Rav Twersky’s image and memory continue to influence my religious consciousness.”
“Rav Twersky’s image and memory continue to influence my religious consciousness.”
Who was Professor Isadore Twersky?
Rabbi Sacks’ life … teaches us the incredible ability each one of us has to make a meaningful difference.
Rabbi Sacks will not be replaced.
Rabbi Sacks lamented the rise of extremism and the toxicity of contemporary politics.
When I think back to all of the times I heard Rabbi Sacks speak, Lady Sacks was always there.
A resonant timbre, both powerful and subtle, arises from everything Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote.
“The pandemic has caused many to reconsider their lifestyle and expand their giving.”
We need to alleviate the poverty. We need to ensure people have what to eat, that they can pay their gas and electric bills and that they can get back on their feet.
Want advice and ideas on how to be osek b’tzarchei tzibbur? Read on.
Nechama Carmel speaks with askan Gary Torgow
Four Ways Anyone Can Make a Difference
“When parents cannot afford tuition, the obligation falls on the community.”
“You can’t teach chesed in a classroom. It’s hands-on learning.”
How a kid from Queens ended up serving as the Rav’s meshareis
At the first bite of matzah at our Seder that night, I cried.
The essence of being Jewish is the ability to never give up hope.
Preparing for a smaller, quieter Seder meal
Why did the Jews merit to be redeemed from Egypt?
How Orthodoxy responded to the challenges of modernity
Who were the twelve brothers that birthed our nation and shaped our destiny?
An extensive Torah library in a native, usable digital format.
I have Jewish pandemic guilt.
Advocating for Israel on Campus This past November, Yavneh received a grant of $95,000 from Jewish National Fund-USA’s Boruchin Center to expand its programming. A project of the OU’s Heshe and Harriet Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (OU-JLIC), in partnership with Mizrachi, Yavneh recruits, trains and mentors a network of talented student leaders to […]
“Eve launched an era of growth for the entire East Bay area.”